Bing Futch: Key Changes Made Easy (Saturday, Session 2, Level 5 - Advanced, Mountain Dulcimer) 15MD155
Taking a simple tune in one key and then switching keys somewhere in the song is a fabulous way of adding depth, complexity, and emotion to your playing. We’ll explore the so-called “truck-driver modulation” and the “parallel modulation,” but focus mainly on the stealthy “pivot chord modulation” for changing keys mid-song. You will need a 1+ fret for this workshop and a capo!
Taking a simple tune in one key and then switching keys somewhere in the song is a fabulous way of adding depth, complexity, and emotion to your playing. We’ll explore the so-called “truck-driver modulation” and the “parallel modulation,” but focus mainly on the stealthy “pivot chord modulation” for changing keys mid-song. You will need a 1+ fret for this workshop and a capo!
Taking a simple tune in one key and then switching keys somewhere in the song is a fabulous way of adding depth, complexity, and emotion to your playing. We’ll explore the so-called “truck-driver modulation” and the “parallel modulation,” but focus mainly on the stealthy “pivot chord modulation” for changing keys mid-song. You will need a 1+ fret for this workshop and a capo!