Russell Cook
At a family gathering in Oklahoma in 1978, Russell Cook was introduced to the Hammer Dulcimer. A few months later, his interest peeked at the Ozark Folk Center, Mt.View, AR., all while teaching high school science. Russell fell head-over-heels in love with the dulcimer, both as a player, and a builder. By disassembling a piano found on a school bus route, he built his first Hammer Dulcimer. 35 instruments later, in 1981, he won the National Hammer Dulcimer Contest in Winfield, KS. Russell knew his life had changed!!! In October of that year, he set out on a musical and professional journey building, recording, performing, teaching and promoting this ancient stringed instrument that had struck such a strong chord in his heart and soul.
Russell recorded more than a dozen albums, wrote 3 books, personally handcrafted a thousand instruments, traveled a million and many more miles from coast to coast meeting hundreds of thousands of dulcimer fanatics.
In 1991, he created a new business called “Master Works”. He and his troupe of craftspeople have produced thousands of fine musical instruments sought by Hammer Dulcimer performers, and students, all over the world.
Russell continues to share the love of his musical life with the world. Because of his desire to see musical observers (as he was) changed into participants, Russell has supported and sponsored dulcimer playing contests across the country for nearly 4 decades and has even produced 9 festivals himself. "Passing it on" to the next generation, as it was to him, Russell presses on surrounding himself with the finest craftsmen and musicians in the country. Always cast a curious eye to Russell Cook to see what new and wonderful creations might be popping out of his little "dulcimer haven" in southeastern Oklahoma. Even better, stop by and visit!