Guy George: Pachelbel’s “Canon in D” for Pennywhistle (Saturday, Session 3, Level 4 - Upper-Intermediate, Pennywhistle) 15PW005
This timeless melody by Johann Pachelbel offers many opportunities for learning different techniques on the pennywhistle. An unexpected beauty for pennywhistle, we’ll learn how to control our volume to create dynamics, as well as slurs and other techniques we can use to make this tune a performance masterpiece. “D” pennywhistle needed for this workshop.
This timeless melody by Johann Pachelbel offers many opportunities for learning different techniques on the pennywhistle. An unexpected beauty for pennywhistle, we’ll learn how to control our volume to create dynamics, as well as slurs and other techniques we can use to make this tune a performance masterpiece. “D” pennywhistle needed for this workshop.
This timeless melody by Johann Pachelbel offers many opportunities for learning different techniques on the pennywhistle. An unexpected beauty for pennywhistle, we’ll learn how to control our volume to create dynamics, as well as slurs and other techniques we can use to make this tune a performance masterpiece. “D” pennywhistle needed for this workshop.