Robert Force

Robert Force has been a performer on the American Appalachian mountain dulcimer for almost 50 years. His book on dulcimer techniques and styles, In Search of the Wild Dulcimer, published by Random House in 1974, sold more than 100,000 copies and, in the words of The San Francisco Chronicle, "helped set the standards for modern dulcimers." Victory Music Review of Seattle reports, "His records, books, festivals and appearances have literally influenced thousands of dulcimer players."

Robert has produced over thirty albums for other artists, has a dozen of his own, written several books and performed widely in the US, Europe and Central America. He has co-billed with such diverse headliners as Doc Watson, Kate Wolfe and even Zsa Zsa Gabor to name a few.

The Sounder Magazine of Washington State sums up his contribution: "A player par excellence, Robert Force combines warmth, wit and musical ability into an experience that leaves the audience uplifted and thoroughly entertained."

“My passion is teaching people to play and hear the dulcimer in a contemporary manner. To those who are in the process of discovering playing music for themselves, I ask you to take a good long look at the words, "folk music." This is the music of the people. Whether it is rock, reggae, country, raga, jazz or other traditional, all of these styles are music by people about people and for people.” What you choose to sing and play is important. You are the caretaker of culture.


Steve Eulberg


Bing Futch